
Zima Weather Dashboard

Dashboard with animated weather, time and calendar. Also features custom animations with different probabilities based on location, weather, date, etc.

FarawayTech Coder

Coder generates C# source code mappings from CSV files. It analyzes data in CSV files and generates type mappings, streamlining development workflow. Unit tests and examples included.

FarawayTech SQLSight (Upcoming)

Desktop app to for proper maintenace of a SQL database:

  • Check database, table and index sizes, and their day-to-day growth
  • Find unused indexes
  • Database space utilization
  • Number of read/write queries for each database/table/index
  • Potential space savings
  • Track query performance with and without indexes

FarawayTech Canister (Upcoming)

All-inclusive Flask template, ready to quickly build and deploy a SaaS service.

Features include:

  • Domain-Driven Design codebase, repositories for working with a database, services and domain objects for business logic
  • Mongo Database
  • User authentication, password or social (google, facebook, etc.)
  • Single and subscription payments via Stripe, including hooks
  • HTMX for a smooth UI without JavaScript
  • UI based on Tailwind CSS
  • >90% unit code coverage, including repository rests via real mongodb/github actions. Tests are done via mocks.
  • Deployment on heroku or render

Not available in the early release:

  • File storage
  • Session storage for social authentication
  • No database migrations